
Bakhtiar Khawaja

Bakhtiar Khawaja

Lahore, Pakistan


  • EMEA

Bakhtiar Khawaja is an ICF credentialed Executive Coach, who has over 15 years of corporate mentoring and coaching experience as well as three decades of international experience and a training & development career that spans over 20 years. He is a hands-on HR & OD consultant who has facilitated a large number of training events for all levels of corporate staff, including CEOs.

With his coaching clients, Bakhtiar establishes a relationship of trust. He guides them toward establishing goals around their priorities and devising appropriate strategies and actions to move them closer to those goals. He helps them find viable solutions to their dilemmas and ways of removing impediments to their performance and growth. In one of his major assignments, Bakhtiar completed a 360-degree assessment based coaching assignment for MD and Divisional Heads of a multinational company operating in Pakistan.

In addition to coaching, Bakhtair pioneered systematic mentoring in the corporate sector
in Pakistan. He initiated a systematic mentoring program at all Bank Alfalah branches
and established a ‘Mentor of the Year’ award. He recently conducted a Mentoring Skills Workshop for senior leaders of a major Pakistani company operating globally.

Along with being the Head of HR with Bank Alfalah, Bakhtair was a member of CMC, the highest decision making body. His innovative approach led to the establishment of state of
the art HR systems and policies in major areas of HR management. He launched coaching, counseling, and mentoring initiatives and championed initiatives related to HRMS design & development through local IT developers.

His most recent full time job assignment was as Group Head Learning with Bank Alfalah. During this assignment, he led in-house training & development initiatives for 20 plus batches of Management Trainees, and organized 250 plus courses every year for in-service staff. He also led the design, development, and implementation of a comprehensive e-learning solution, complete with a learning portal and in-house development of e-learning content. Those who participate in his learning events, remember him as a knowledgeable and motivating facilitator who is focused on their long term and sustainable development.

As a regular visiting guest speaker at various academic institutions in Lahore, Bakhtiar indulges in educational, philanthropic, sporting, and artistic pursuits. He speaks fluent English, Urdu, Punjabi, and Spanish. Bakhtiar resides in Lahore, Paki


  •  International Coach Federation (ICF)
  • Certified Coach with Results Coaching Systems
  • Certified Coach, Int’l Coach Academy
  • Commonwealth Conference on Organization & HR Development at LUMS
  • Franklin Covey Pakistan’s two major programs: ‘Seven Habits Workshop’ and ‘Leadership Workshop’
  • International Trade with BCCI, Int’l Mgt. Development Centre in London
  • Leadership Grid Seminar, Grid International Inc.
  • Management Development Programme, Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS)
  • Management Trainee Batch, UBL’s Training Centre, Karachi, Pakistan
  • Seven Habits Workshop, Certified Trainer, Franklin Covey
  • Transformational Leadership Workshop, British Council


  • Executive Master of Business Administration, Lahore College of Business Administration (Headed by Dr. Salman Shah)
  • Bachelor of Science in Economics, London School of Economics & Political Science
  • Bachelor of Arts, Government College Faisalabad

Practice Areas

  • Cross-Cultural Coaching
  • Executive Coaching
  • Executive Onboarding
  • Leadership Development
  • Strategic HR & Organizational Consulting
  • Transformational Coaching
  • Transition Coaching
  • Workshops