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Corporate Training Programs That Drive Business

4 min read

Effective leaders, the backbone of every successful business, rarely naturally have what it takes to lead. Most had to learn the communication and advanced leadership skills that enable them to surpass where they are today and achieve business objectives by engaging and influencing target audiences. These skills can take years to develop if self-taught or quickly learned via proven effective corporate training programs.

ROI of Corporate Training

Effective corporate training programs result in superior business performance by fortifying your company in a myriad of ways. They help ensure that your current and future leaders have the eight most important leadership competencies that Bersin by Deloitte identified in its High Impact Leadership report.

  1. Inspire people to follow them
  2. Execute and achieve results through their people
  3. Persuade and influence stakeholders
  4. Create synergies through working in partnership
  5. Provide vision and direction
  6. Show commercial acumen and business judgment
  7. Drive change and innovation
  8. Build talent for competitive advantage

The benefits of these eight competencies are far reaching. They include:

  • Reduced staff turnover. Employees who receive training feel they are being given the tools to advance in their career and are valued, which results in reduced staff turnover.
  • More productive employees. Better team communication results in less conflict, better understanding, improved trust, and greater confidence.
  • Improved customer engagement. Customers will feel better understood and as though their needs are being more effectively met, which leads to increased loyalty and business.
  • Higher profit. The ability to influence and motivate both internal and external audiences in order to achieve specific outcomes results in improved profit.
  • Increased efficiency. Costs, waste, and inefficiencies are decreased.

The Importance of Corporate Training

90% of companies are redesigning their organizations to be more dynamic, team-centric, and connected

Source: 2017 Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends

58% of hiring managers believe the lack of soft skills is limiting their company’s productivity

Source: LinkedIn

98% of sales professionals say relationships are the most important part of generating business

Source: Introhive

How to Develop a Tailored Corporate Training Program

Focusing on the development of communication skills and leadership competency via corporate training will enable you to create a team that understands each other, works well together and with customers, and achieves results. This leads to improved performance and a stronger culture of collaboration since there will be no room for incorrect interpretations or misunderstandings that can negatively impact performance and morale. Putting a corporate training program in place can be challenging, but is well worth it. When Ariel works with companies to help them institute an effective corporate training program that supports true business goals, we do the following:

  • Conduct a training needs assessment. Help our clients identify what they need team members to do in order to achieve desired business objectives.
  • Develop a list of training objectives. Collaborate with our clients to create a list of things team members must be able to do after training is completed.
  • Design a tailored employee training program. Based on who is participating in the corporate training program and the objectives, we work with our clients to develop program offerings that will meet their specific needs as well as the ideal training format – in-person classroom, virtual classroom, self-paced asynchronous learning, one-on-one coaching, group coaching, etc.

What to Look for in a Corporate Training Partner

You have many options when choosing a corporate training partner. Prior to signing a contract, it’s a good idea to ensure that whoever you select has a proven track record when it comes to providing the following:

  • Service. Your corporate training partner should have an excellent reputation, with references who are happy to speak with you about their experience. They should also be easy to communicate with — promptly answering your questions and listening carefully.
  • Content. The content of the program offerings should meet your specific needs and be delivered in an engaging format that makes it memorable.
  • Facilitators. Program facilitators should be experts in the subject matter they are teaching (writing, sales, etc.), have experience working in corporate environments, and be seasoned presenters.
  • Delivery. It is essential that the delivery of the training programs works effectively for those who are participating in them. Sometimes you may want a larger group to participate in an in-person training session for half a day, other times you may want team members to learn online at their own pace, and sometimes you may want a specific team member to have one-on-one coaching. It’s important that your training partner be able to easily accommodate each need.

Types of Corporate Training Programs

It’s likely that you are looking to use communication and leadership training to address one or more of the following common soft skills gaps within your company:

  • Communication skills
  • Presentation skills
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Conflict resolution
  • Leadership skills
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Ethics
  • Teamwork
  • Adaptability

Ariel’s experiential corporate training programs are designed to empower your team members at all levels to move into expanded leadership roles and achieve key business goals by addressing specific soft skills gaps. Each is led by a dynamic facilitator with real-world insight who pushes boundaries and can be tailored to meet your specific needs when it comes to length and delivery format. Our corporate training programs include:

Corporate Training for Early Career & High-Potential Employees

Corporate Training for Executives

Corporate Training for Managers & Sales

Maintain a Competitive Advantage

If you’re serious about maintaining a competitive advantage, then developing communication and leadership skills at all levels within your company via corporate training must be ongoing. Continuous communication and leadership training ensure that your team is always performing optimally and builds a respectful and collaborative culture – two things that positively impact your bottom line.

Ariel can help! Our communications and leadership skills offerings, including self-paced asynchronous digital options, one-on-one coaching, group coaching, and follow-up calls, can be tailored to successfully meet your specific business needs and different leadership skills gaps. Over 1,000 companies can attest to their effectiveness. Reach out today to start a conversation.


7 Communication Do’s and Don’ts for Leaders Facing Rapid Organizational Change

Make sure your leaders are ready to manage change successfully with this free eBook.

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