Presence & Leadership

Help your organization learn how to build credibility, establish authentic connections, and communicate messages with impact


Working in an Engaging Remote Environment

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Course description

Professionals who need to get business done in the virtual environment cannot always rely on the benefits and nuances of in-person interaction. The most successful professionals harness their virtual presence to connect authentically with remote audiences. From phone calls and web conferences to video chats and presentations, professionals need to show up with confidence and authenticity.

Learning objectives

Working in an Engaging Remote Environment uses best-in-class virtual learning platforms and a unique methodology rooted in actor training to help engage remote colleagues more effectively, develop stronger vocal and webcam presence, make more authentic and trusting connections, and show up with confidence and credibility in virtual interactions and meetings.

The benefit

Participants will be able to effectively communicate and build strong relationships with team members, clients, or prospects no matter where they are in the world in order to get things done.

Program Agenda

  • Delivery: 15 participants/session
  • Audience: Individual contributors who may not be junior, but simply do not lead teams
  • Timing: 3 live virtual sessions of 2 hours each accompanied by asynchronous assignments
  • Session #1: Learning the fundamentals of virtual presence
  • Understand and discuss the business case for presence and the vPRES model
  • Explore strategies for keeping oneself and one’s audience present and focused in virtual interactions and meetings
  • Learn and practice the Signals of Virtual Presence, with a focus on harnessing voice, pace, gesture, posture, breathing, and the use of one’s webcam for greater impact in virtual communication
  • Communicate with intention and align emotions, vocal presence, energy, and message to ensure messages land and get the desired effect.
  • Session #2: Fostering team engagement and leading effective team meetings
  • Build stronger virtual relationships by listening and making personal connections
  • Actively include oneself and colleagues in virtual interactions
  • Effectively prepare for and participate in virtual meetings
  • Show up with credibility by avoiding common virtual communication blunders that disrupt meetings
  • Discuss challenges and best practices for working effectively in a multicultural and geographically diverse global team.
  • Session #3: Delivering compelling, clear business messages in the virtual environment
  • Learn best practices for presenting information in the virtual environment in a way that engages virtual audiences
  • Effectively deliver a business message with a concise, clear, and compelling virtual presence
  • Quickly tailor the delivery of a message for different audiences (one’s own team, manager, senior leader)
  • Debrief the course and create an action plan for continuing development.

Real Results.

Upon completion of the Working in an Engaging Remote Environment program, participants will be able to

  • effectively engage remote audiences using a variety of tools and frameworks
  • deepen internal and external relationships, even in the absence of face-to-face interaction
  • make virtual communications more concise, clear, and aligned with their intentions.

Your teams can build relationships, influence others, and get work done while working virtually

Let’s Talk
Your teams can build relationships, influence others, and get work done while working virtually

Authentic communication is necessary for business success

Learn how we can help improve your company’s performance.

Let’s Talk
Authentic communication is necessary for business success