Open Enrollment

Open Enrollments are designed to empower leaders, teams, and individuals to communicate clearly, professionally, and authentically.

These sessions are not a class, nor conference. They are virtual sessions where our team of facilitators uses experiential learning to empower professionals to access their unique power of presence to drive business results through deeper authenticity inside their personal and professional brands.


How To Create An Effective Personal Brand: Register now

Program description

In today’s world, there is a shift in the marketing paradigm. Brands are not just the property of companies anymore. Individuals have become brands too, and they can be just as powerful as a company brand. In fact, many people would rather buy from an individual than a company because they feel that they are more trustworthy and authentic.

The power of personal brand is especially evident in the digital era where social media has made it possible for anyone to reach out to others and build their reputation on their own terms.

But personal branding is more than just having a social media presence. It’s about having your own unique voice and story. It is also an opportunity to share with the world who you are, what you do, and why they should care.

We know that personal branding can seem like a daunting task! That’s why we have created this program that will help you confidently build a strong personal brand.

Date: April 21, 2022

Time:1:00pm – 3:00pm EST

Location: Virtual

Facilitator: Jay Harris


On average, this course takes about 3 hours to complete.

Price: $199.00

Storytelling In A World Of Virtual Presence: Register now

Program description

Told any good stories lately?

No? Well, you might want to start.

Professionals often use stories to connect with the hearts and minds of their colleagues and clients to influence action.

A powerful communication tool, stories can capture attention, build trust and credibility, and deliver messages and insights with impact. They can also help to differentiate yourself in an increasingly commoditized world.

June 9, 2022

Time: 1:00pm – 3:00pm EST

Location: Virtual

Facilitator: Elsa Powell Strong

On average, this course takes about 3 hours to complete.

Price: $199.00

Get Personal With Your Personal Presence: Register now

Program description

The way we “show up” at work has been changed forever, both literally and metaphorically.

To make a lasting impression with your colleagues, emerge and lead in the new work environment, you will need to set yourself apart.

How? By building a strong personal presence.

Interested in enhancing and discovering your unique personal presence to adapt to the unpredictability of the new workplace?

Date: July 14th, 2022

Time: 1:00pm – 3:00pm EST

Location: Virtual

Facilitator: Jay Harris & Elsa Powell Strong

On average, this course takes about 3 hours to complete.

Price: $199.00